G Amar Prabhu

Interactive Resume


I am an Enthusiastic Coder, Curious Learner and a Problem Solver.

About Me

I am an all-round web developer and a programmer intrested in Computer Vision, Deep Learning and Machine Learning. I am a programmer with good knowledge of front-end and back-end techniques. I love structure and order and I also stand for quality. I love spending time on fixing little details and optimizing web apps. Also I like working in a team, you'll learn faster and much more. As the saying goes: 'two heads are better than one'.


G Amar Prabhu

20 Years

Karnataka, India


“Protons give an atom its identity, electrons its personality.”
- Bill Bryson, A short history of nearly everything

N.M.A.M Institute Of Technology
Aug 2016 - Jun 2020
Result : 9.22 GPA
Specialization: Computer Science and Engineering

Throughout the duration of the course, i learnt and applied the various concepts of computer science and engineering. I was exposed to a vast number of programming languages and the subjects i found interesting were Data Structures and Computer Networks.

PPC PU College
Aug 2014 - Jun 2016
Result : 87%
Specialization: Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Statistics

In this course, i studied the basic of Physics, Chemistry and Mathemarics and the subject that particularly caught my eye was Statistics, which later turned out to be Data Science.

St. Marys English School
Aug 2007 - Apr 2014
Result : 93%

School was a fun filled place with the basics of every subject there ever was. Which Included Social, Science, Maths, Languages.


“Life without knowledge is death in disguise.”
- Talib Kweli


Angular JS
Materialize CSS
Vue JS
React JS


Node JS
Express JS


Java Script


Firebase Firestore
Firebase Realtime Database




Materialize CSS
Matplot Lib
Scikit Learn

Version Control

Git Hub
Bit Bucket

Internships & Major Projects

“Life experience is the new work experience.”
― Richie Norton

Ancient Character Detection and Recognition

This is a project Jointly carried out by Students from NMAMIT, India and Ritsumeikan University Japan. This project is based on preservation of ancient heritage which is in the form of characters and pictures and documenting them

VKENN,Restaurant Management Application

In this Internship I used firebase services to build a realtime Kitchen Display System and Restaurant Management Application with Business Analytics and Business Intelligence Dashboard.

Signature Verification And Recognition (Published Paper)

Built a Machine Learning Model which can classify Real Signatures from Fake Signatures. The model used Image processing techniques, Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Hu Invariant Moments as features to classify the Signature

Incridea - Registration

Built a Frontend website for Annual College fest Incridea which contained all the information about fest. Built a Registrations Portal (Website) which had the ability to register students and generate a unique PID for each student.

Wellcure Clinic

Built a web site for wellcure clinic which had the ability to fetch data from a firebase database. The data mostly pertained to payment and appointments which are booked through the Wellcure Clinic App.

NSAM First Grade College, Nitte

Building, Updating of current modules and adding new functionalities and modules, Maintenance of Smart Campus Of NSAM First Grade College, Nitte.

Minor Projects

“Life experience is the new work experience.”
― Richie Norton

Rain Water Prediction
15 Days

Using the previouslyavailable dataset and machine learning, built a rainfall prediction model which predicts rainfall depending on the humidity, month of the year and temperature.

Technology Used: Python
Heart Attack Predictor
1 Month

Using Artificial Neutral Network,built a GUI Web Application which takes in Health-Check upInput and predicts the risk of getting a Heart Attack.

Network Accuracy: 82%.Technology Used: Python,PHP,Python CGI With Apache2.
Department Website(Department Of CSE)
1 Month

Designed an Informative website for Department Of Computer Science And Engineering,NMAMIT.The website shows all the details of CSE Department along with Faculty Profile and Individual Faculty Details.

Technology Used:HTML5,CSS,JS,Twitter Bootstrap,PHP with XML File Management.
AIDE Conference Website
1 Month

Designed a Informational Website for AIDE Conference 2019 which will be held in our college. Also responsible for, building portals for registrations to the conference and various sub-events of the conference.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL.
Question Paper Generator
15 Days

Designed a databse project which generates question paper and answer script in required NMAMIT format using uploaded questions while maintaining blooms taxanomy through all units.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, Angular JS.
Yet Another Git
1 Month

Designed a CLI version control system which implements basic operations of Github for Cloud Computing Mini Project.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, Python, Shell.
Image Steganography
1 Month

Designed and developed a web portal, which given an image and a text encrypts the text in the image.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, PHP, Python.


“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses. ”
- Henry Ford